Wednesday, April 14, 2010

2010 Pinewood Derby - Daryl's Car

Here's Daryl's car for the Pinewood Derby. Since he's not a cub scout yet, I just bought a Pinewood Derby kit where the block is already pre-cut.

Daryl drew a face and put the windows on the block.
He asked me to put the number 95 since he wants it to look like Lightning Mcqueen.
He wrote his name at the bottom of the block
Sanded and painted it red.
I'm adding the weights at the bottom.
The block needed a few more weights because it's too light.
Covered the weights with wood putty.
Sanded and painted the bottom
Attached 'red' wheels on it.
Added some stickers with the number 95 on top.
Initial weight is 4.9 ounces.
Close up on the stickers
Front of the pinewood Derby car. STP stickers as headlights.
Again, similar to Lightning Mcqueen with stickers as headlights.
Added a couple of weights at the back since the car 
is below the weight limit during the Official Weigh-in
141 grams on my weighing scale.
Daniel and Daryl's car after the race.

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