Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lowe's Build and Grow - Lowebot

A couple of weeks ago, I brought the kids at a nearby Lowe's store for a Build and Grow clinic. The clinic is Free and it teaches the kids on how to use simple tools and the safety precautions while using them. They also learn how to assemble wooden kits.

It was the kids first time attending a clinic like this and they had fun building the Lowebot.

Pieces of the Lowebot on the table
The assembled Lowebot kit shown as cars
Lowebot, transform. Oops, only 1 did.
Now the other one did transform
A Lowebot patch and booklet
At the end of the clinic, the kids got a certificate of merit and a patch. They brought their Lowebots home and played with it. It was a very interesting day and we'll surely be back today at 10am for another Build and Grow clinic. The kids will be building a Tabletop Basketball game and will be posting the details soon.

If you want  to know more information about the Lowe's Build and Grow projects, please visit their website at

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