Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Attack of Magnets - Ending

Daniel made this banner for the Final part of his The Attack of Magnets video. As you can see, the picture was taken back in January but he wrote that it's coming soon on December 2009.
Actually, nobody is going to see the Final video of The Attack of Magnets. [I'm trying to write this as if it was a real movie production :) ]

The parent studio ("me and my wife") sponsoring the video has pulled the plugged on this production. The reason for this is that there was a small accident that happened during the production of the video.

The other actor (Daniel's little brother) in the movie placed one of the characters ("The Nut" - see picture below) inside one of his nostrils. The actor was rushed first to his pediatrician's house but "The Nut" got stucked inside and his pediatrician advised us to go to the Emergency Room because it's lodged too deep that she cannot take it out.
It was a good thing that there was an EENT (Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat) doctor available at the E.R. and he was able to remove "The Nut" in a few seconds with minimal bleeding. The actor struggled a little bit during the procedure but he was fine afterwards. (Do not worry about the actor, this incident happend a couple of months ago and he's doing fine now).

The parent studio let go of "The Nut" services (thrown away) and will never star in a movie again.

We apologize for the inconvenience but we hope you'll enjoy the other videos that we will be posting soon.

1 comment:

Stanley Sutrisno said...

While "The Attack of Magnets - Ending", "The attack of Blogaholic Syndrome" begining...

Believe it? Or not...?
Whatever... feel free to check..!!
